Dear Centre Leaders,
Greetings from the INDEPTH Secretariat. We sincerely apologise for our inability to bring you the newsletter on Friday, March 6, 2015. Sorry for the inconvenience.
We have the following items for your attention this week:
1. iHope workshop ends in Accra
A workshop for developing estimation methodology for project on household Out -of -Pocket expenditures ended in Accra on Saturday. The four-day workshop was opened by the Executive Director of INDEPTH Network Prof Osman Sankoh earlier in the week.
Prof Sankoh recalled how the idea of the iHOPE project developed during a conference in China back in 2012 where he met people who were interested in the subject. He also acknowledged the contribution of the INDEPTH Network sites in an early draft of the project where a group of people from selected member sites met in Accra, Ghana in June 2014.
The workshop, which had 17 participants centres agreed on specific activities and timelines of the iHOPE project, reviewed the literature on various methodologies of measuring Out-of-Pocket (OOP) health care payment and started the development of an instrument for measuring OOP.
Prof Sankoh said there was a possibility of expanding the project to more sites of the INDEPTH Network if promising results are generated. iHOPE is an INDEPTH Project Funded by the Bill & Melida Gates Foundation. It starts with three implementing centres – Ouagadougou, Filabayi and Navrongo.
For more details on the project read:
2. Scientific conference registration opens

Registration for this year’s INDEPTH Scientific Conference (ISC 2015) is now open. The conference will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from November 11 – 14, 2015. It is on the theme “Health and Demographic Research to Inform the Post-2015 Development Agenda”.
All are encouraged to register here:
3. A call to participate in an exciting Survey on HDSS Ethics
A PhD student, jointly supervised by our Executive Director, Prof Osman Sankoh, is kindly requesting you to respond to a 15-30 minute online survey on “New Models of Public Health Research: Developing an Ethical Framework for Research Using Surveillance Data (RUSD) in Resource Limited Countries”.
The study aims at exploring characteristics of research involving use of existing or previously collected health and demographic surveillance systems (HDSS) data, and to document challenges researchers and ethics committees face in applying existing ethics guidelines to such research.
The ultimate goal is to develop a practical and context appropriate guidance document to support future ethical conduct and review.
The study is being conducted by Evelyn Anane-Sarpong, a Ghanaian student of the Institute for Biomedical Ethics and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, in collaboration with the INDEPTH Network.
If you are willing to, please click on the following link to access the survey: |