Dear Centre Leaders,
Greetings from the INDEPTH Secretariat. We hope you have had a good week.
We have the following items for your attention:
1. Kaya HDSS Centre Leader visits INDEPTH
The Centre Leader of Kaya HDSS, Dr Seni Kouanda (middle) in a photograph with the Executive Director of the INDEPTH Network, Prof Osman Sankoh (right) and the Capacity Strengthening and Training Manager of INDEPTH, Dr Martin Bangha (left) when he visited the INDEPTH Secretariat in Accra on Wednesday, April 1, 2015.
Kaya HDSS is located in the North Central region of Burkina Faso.
2. Board Message on the INDEPTH Data ManagementProgramme (IDMP)
We hope this note finds you and team very well!
This is a gentle reminder on the Board message to you regarding feedback on your experience and/or challenges with the iDMP. In effect, a letter on this co-signed by the Board Chair and Executive Director was sent about a month ago accompanied by a feedback form.
In order to compile the relevant info for the board, we will appreciate receiving your completed feedback form at your earliest possible convenience.
With good wishes,
Dr. Martin Bangha (Capacity Strengthening and Trainining Manager)
3. INDEPTH Scientific Conference registration opens
Registration for this year’s INDEPTH Scientific Conference (ISC 2015) is now open. The conference will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from November 11 – 14, 2015. It is on the theme “Health and Demographic Research to Inform the Post-2015 Development Agenda”.
All are encouraged to register here: