Each year on April 25, the world marks World Malaria Day to highlight global efforts to control malaria and mobilise action to combat the disease.
This year’s celebration is on the theme “End malaria for good”. The theme reflects the vision of a malaria-free world set out in the "Global technical strategy for malaria 2016-2030".
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) there were 214 million new cases of malaria worldwide and 438 000 deaths caused by malaria in 2015. Read more
News from our member centres
1. icddr,b researchers support malaria eradication in Bangladesh
On the occasion of the World Malaria Day, the World Health Organisation (WHO) strategy for malaria this year envisages a world free from this mosquito-borne disease, which is still considered a public health problem in Bangladesh. Read more
2. Taabo HDSS organises feedback seminar
The Taabo HDSS on 22 and 26 April organised a feedback seminar in Taabo and Abidjan for the communities and authorities in the Taabo District.
The event which brought together about 60 participants comprising departmental and regional health officials; administrative authorities; village and community leaders focused on population monitoring and research findings.
It was aimed at strengthening the collaboration and mutual trust among the HDSS, the populations and the authorities. Read more
3. Parent, mentor involvement help Kenyan urban poor transition to secondary schools
Sprawling Korogocho slums
For girls like 13-year-old Sarah Mutie Wayua, who lives in Korogocho — one of Nairobi’s toughest slums — daring to dream of a future used to be a risky proposition. Dreams die in urban slums, due to poverty, restricted access to education, insecurity and the constant hustle that rends the social fabric of communities. But Sarah is 387 steps closer to her dream; thanks to mentoring and coaching she received from APHRC to help achieve such a high score on her Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) national exam. Read more
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