1. INDEPTH hosts workshop on impact of poverty on NCDs and injury mortality
Workshop participants in a group photo.
The INDEPTH Executive Director Prof. Osman Sankoh on 12 June 2017 opened a workshop on the impact of poverty on NCDs and injury mortality, in Accra, Ghana. The three days workshop "Evaluating the impact of poverty on NCD and injury mortality in low-income settings: Data from the INDEPTH" has drawn participants from INDEPTH member centres, universities of Harvard and Ghana and the INDEPTH Training and Resource Centre.
The workshop aimed to assess sub-national NCD and injury mortality patterns across levels of household poverty both broadly and by NCD disease category and by age group and sex. Participants will also make cross-country comparisons of associations between poverty and mortality from NCDs and injuries by age and sex. Other objectives are to describe time trends, if any, of associations between poverty and mortality from NCDs and injuries in low-income settings, and to compare cross-country comparisons of associations to the Global Burden of Disease cross-country burden by poverty.Read more:
2. New paper in The Lancet Global Health:
New INDEPTH strategy for the SDGs using robust population data
INDEPTH has revised its strategic approach to engage with many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including those related to poverty, gender equality, and hunger. INDEPTH’s renewed strategy commits to tracking SDGs by mapping and publishing baseline metrics for each target and regularly publicising progress. Read more:
3. Call for TDR International Postgraduate Scholarship on Implementation Science:
Call for applicants – 2018 intake
Application deadline for Masters Degree Programme: 31 July 2017
Application deadline for PhD Degree Programme: 31 August 2017
Application deadline for TDR scholarship: 31 August 2017
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4. South African Field Epidemiology Training Programme:
Call for applicants – 2018 intake
The South African Field Epidemiology Training Programme (SAFETP) is requesting applications for the incoming 2018 class from qualified health professionals with an interest in public health and commitment to public service. SAFETP is hosted by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) of the National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS), for the National Department of Health. The programme is a combination of didactic and practical training in which the resident is grounded in the academic basics of applied epidemiology and is assigned to field sites where s/he learns by doing while being mentored by supervisors in projects that address key public health priorities. This residency programme is a two year, full time training, from which residents graduate with a Masters in Epidemiology (MSc) in Field Epidemiology from the University of the Witwatersrand. The 2018 cohort will begin in January 2018 and end in December 2019. Read more
1. MUCHS/Iganga Mayuge HDSS:
Where Law Meets Public Health Policy: The Case of Maternal Health in Uganda
A cross-section of participants at the public lecture which was held at the Davies Lecture Theatre of the Makerere University College of Health Sciences.
Makerere University’s Centre of Excellence for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (CMNCH) in collaboration with the Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) recently organised a 2 hour seminar titled “Where Law meets Public Health Policy: The Case of Maternal Health in Uganda”.
The purpose of the session was to discuss the inextricable linkages and intersecting areas between the legal and health fields; against the backdrop of poor maternal health outcomes and growing interest in litigation. One of the presenters was the Leader of INDEPTH Maternal and Child Health Working Group, Assoc. Prof. Peter Waiswa, with his presentation titled “Maternal Deaths in Uganda – No, it’s also Stillbirths and Neonatal Deaths”. Read more:
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