The following centres have registered for the Dubai AGM. We kindly request the other centre leaders to register by clicking on the link here. AGM Registration
Early registration will enable the Resource Centre to play well. Please note that we have paid in advance for your accommodation otherwise we will not be able to secure the hotel.
1) Cross River , Nigeria
2) Dabat, Ethiopia
3) Nahuche, Nigeria
4) Nanoro, Burkina Faso
5) Iganga/Mayuge, Uganda
6) Filabavi, Vietnam
7) PiH, Papua New-Guinea
8) Kombewa, Kenya
9) Dodowa, Ghana
10) Kersa, Ethiopia
11) Dikgale, South Africa
12) Navrongo, Ghana
13) Bandim, Guinea-Bissau
14) Magu, Tanzania
15) Bandafassi, Mlomp and Niahkar, Senegal
2) Dr. Catherine Kyobutungi of APHRC, Nairobi, Kenya has assumed the position of Executive Director of the Centre, effective October 2017
Dr. Kyobutungi was a member of the INDEPTH Board and served until AGM 2015 in Addis Ababa. The Executive Director, Prof. Osman Sankoh and the entire Network wish to congratulate Catherine and can only wish her the best of success. May she move APHRC to another level as we continuously hope to see APHRC lead more INDEPTH network activities. Read more
Prof. Alex Ezeh, Out gone Executive Director, APHRC; a former INDEPTH Board member
Alex joined APHRC in 1998 (then a program of the Population Council in Nairobi) as a Senior Research Fellow. In 2000, he was appointed APHRC’s Interim Director and charged with the responsibility of leading its transition into an autonomous institution. Having successfully led this transition, he was appointed APHRC’s Executive Director in 2001, and has steered the institution to phenomenal growth to date. Read more
3. Sloan Fellowship on Aging and Work
The Sloan Fellowship is an interdisciplinary, postdoctoral training program that will address the challenges of aging societies and labor force participation in the United States. Fellows conduct self-directed, interdisciplinary research under the guidance of Harvard faculty mentors. In broad terms, projects should shed light on the current challenges of working longer and potential solutions to the ways in which the United States' public and private sectors will need to adapt to an aging work force. Expectations are that the research derived from the fellowship will be used to support improved workplace policies at various institutions as well as increase the public’s understanding of aging and labor force challenges. In addition to research and writing, fellows participate in weekly work-in-progress sessions, leadership skill building seminars, and communications & media skills training. Fellows also have access to multiple educational opportunities at Harvard. One finalist will be selected. the Sloan Fellowship on Aging and Work and the David E. Bell Fellowship. The deadline to apply is Friday, December 8, 2017.
The David E. Bell Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Bell Fellowship is an interdisciplinary, postdoctoral training program designed for researchers and practitioners in the field of population sciences. Through self-directed research, selected candidates will examine a broad range of critical issues, most from within the HCPDS's focal areas, including: social and environmental determinants of population health; aging societies; workplace & well-being; and social/family demography. Fellows participate in population science seminars, weekly work-in-progress sessions, leadership skill building seminars, and communications & media skills training. Fellows also have access to multiple educational opportunities at Harvard. Two finalists will be selected.
For both fellowships, the salary is $60K/yr plus benefits and a generous research/travel/relocation fund. Both are open to U.S. and international candidates.
For more information on the programs, click here
4. WHO Bulletin on Sustainable Development Goals
The WHO is doing a special issue on the Sustainable Development Goals, and we wish share the call for submissions with our member centres. There must be something very special to offer in this field, and we thought that you might take an interest in this. If you haven't already seen the call, click to read more.
Nouna HDSS, Burkina Faso: Formation des membres du nouveau comité d’éthique de Nouna
Il s’est tenu du 07 au 09 Septembre 2017, dans la salle de réunion du CRSN une session de formation des nouveaux membres du comité institutionnel d’éthique (CIE) du CRSN avec l’appui de OMS/TDR.
L’objectif de cette formation est de renforcer les compétences de ces membres sur la protection des participants à la recherche et à l’évaluation des protocoles de recherche.
Ce comité multidisciplinaire se compose comme suit:
1. Un représentant de chaque communauté religieuse (musulmane, catholique et protestante)
2. Un représentant des droits de l’homme
3. Un représentant des coutumiers
4. Un représentant de la communauté scientifique
5. Une représentante des femmes
6. Un représentant de l’administration publique
7. Un représentant de la commune
8. Deux représentants du CRSN
Cette formation a été assurée par Dr Bocar KOUYATE et Dr Arlette SANOU du comité national d’éthique basé à Ouagadougou.
Niahkar HDSS, Senegal: MVP (Meningitis Vaccine Project_ - PATH (Programe for Appropriate Technology in Health)/OMS
Objectif : éliminer les épidémies de méningite en tant que problème de santé publique en Afrique sub-saharienne par le développement, la mise au point, l'introduction et l'utilisation à grande échelle de vaccins conjugués contre les méningocoques. La phase 1 du projet a été mise en œuvre en Inde. La phase 2 se déroulera en Afrique à partir de janvier 2006 et intègrera la zone de Niakhar comme site d’essai clinique en mai 2006. Echantillon suivi sur 48 semaines
Une synergie des acteurs pour le contrôle de l’Ulcère de Buruli en Côte d’Ivoire
Le jeudi 28 septembre 2017 s’est tenu au Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS) un atelier de lancement d’une étude pilote portant sur : “Contrôle intégré et traitement des plaies de l'Ulcère de Buruli et autres maladies tropicales négligées de la peau”.
L’Ulcère de Buruli (UB), dû à Mycobacterium ulcerans, est une maladie infectieuse de la peau qui touche en grande partie les populations pauvres vivant en milieu rural des régions tropicales et subtropicales de la planète. La Côte d'Ivoire est l’un des pays le plus touché au monde par cette Maladie Tropicale Négligée (MTN). Read more
O Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça recebeu no último dia 25 de Maio a visita da Administradora do Distrito de Manhiça, Exma. Sra. Cristina Mafumo. Com a visita a Administradora pretendia conhecer o Centro e as actividades nele desenvolvidas.
De inicio a Administradora efectuou uma visita ao campo, concretamente ao Bairro de Ribangua, acompanhada pelo Director do Centro (Dr. Eusébio Macete) e pelo Responsável pelo Departamento de Demografia (Sr. Charfudin Sacoor). Neste ponto do Distrito, a Administradora pôde se inteirar das actividades de pesquisa no âmbito Demográfico que tem sido realizado pelo CISM junto à população.
De seguida, a Administradora e sua delegação, foi conhecer as instalações do Centro, o Laboratório, o Centro de Dados e o Departamento de Demografia. Na ocasião fez-se uma apresentação Geral do Centro (por Dr. Eusébio Macete), apresentação das áreas de pesquisa (por Dr. Inácio Mandomando, Director Adjunto Científico) e a apresentação do ponto de situação da iniciativa para a Eliminação da Malária no Distrito da Manhiça (Dr. Francisco Saúte).
Por último, a Administradora visitou o Hospital Distrital da Manhiça acompanhada pelo Director do Centro, pelo Responsável de Clínica do Centro (Dr. Hélio Mucavele) e pelo Director do Hospital (Dr. Flezer Tomadote).
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