Dear Centre Leaders,
Another year is here with us. Happy New Year . We have started the year on a good note with a successful submission of the CHESS preproposal to Wellcome Trust.
We have the following news to share with you.
INDEPTH CHESS preproposal successfully submitted to Wellcome Trust
Call for the Expression of Interest to host the INDEPTH Headquarters
Short courses on Epidemiological evaluation of vaccines at LSHTM
News in French: Rapport situation démographique Niakhar 1963-2014
1) INDEPTH CHESS preproposal successfully submitted to Wellcome Trust
The INDEPTH Resource and Training Centre yesterday submitted the CHESS pre-proposal to the Wellcome Trust. The application was supported by 47 of the Network's 50 HDSS member sites. If successful, it will contribute £5,000,000 to core INDEPTH activities between 2018 and 2023. Co-funding opportunities are currently being pursued by the Executive Director. We thank the Network for their support in helping to complete and submit the proposal today. Read more
2) Call for the Expression of Interest to host the INDEPTH Headquarters
INDEPTH Network is looking for an established university or research institution to host its headquarters team of about 5-6 staff.
The main purpose of this move is to partner with an established research institution in a way that allows the headquarters of the Network to leverage the scientific research environment and capabilities of the host institution in the facilitation of INDEPTH’s own research activities. Read further.
3) Short courses on Epidemiological evaluation of vaccines at LSHTM
Epidemiological research has become an important tool in assessing vaccine protection. Although there are several courses specialising in vaccinology, there remains a gap in teaching about advanced epidemiological tools for vaccine evaluation. This course fills that gap, providing an indepth training on current methods used in the evaluation of vaccine efficiency, safety and policy. It aims to address immunisation issues in high-, middle- and low-income countries. Read more
News in French
4) Rapport situation démographique Niakhar 1963-2014
Ce rapport d’analyse vise à retracer 50 années d’évolution démographique dans l’Observatoire de population et de santé de Niakhar. Cette initiative a été lancée lors de la célébration du 50ème anniversaire de cet observatoire, qui s’est manifestée par un symposium scientifique de 2 journées à Dakar en février 2014 et par 3 jours de restitution dans les villages en février 2015. Un ouvrage scientifique va sortir dans le courant de l’année 2018 rassemblant les contributions scientifiques très riches des programmes de recherche qui s’y sont succédés.Lire la suite