4th Quarter Newsletter October - December 2014
Good-bye 2014, Welcome 2015
From the Executive Director
As the year 2015 has just started, it is with a grateful heart that I thank everyone, on behalf of my management and myself, for all their efforts throughout the year.
The success of INDEPTH is built on the efforts of all of you and during the year under review, we have enjoyed many successes. Thank you for the commitment, dedication, partnership, advice and loyalty that you have shown.
We have come through a year that was filled with both challenges and successes. We will mention some of the key ones. Read more |
Three new centres join INDEPTH Network
The INDEPTH family is growing. Three new centres have been approved by the board to join the Network.
They are the Chokwe HDSS in Mozambique; Cross River HDSS in Nigeria and Kyamulibwa HDSS in Uganda.
With these additions, INDEPTH Network currently has 45 member centres operating 52 HDSS field sites in 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Oceania.
Chókwè, formerly known as Vila Trigo de Morais, is a rural town and capital of Chókwè District,
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Largest ever dataset on individual deaths in Africa & SE Asiareveals changing health of developing world
An unprecedented insight into the changing health of people across Africa and Asia - including the fluctuating burdens of HIV, malaria and childhood mortality - was revealed by the publication of the largest ever dataset of individual deaths recorded on-the-ground.
More than 110,000 individual deaths and their causes across 13 countries, including Ghana, South Africa, Kenya, Bangladesh and Vietnam, are contained in the new INDEPTH dataset. ... Read more ... |
INDEPTH Executive Director presents H3Africa/AWI-Gen project to IJE Editors
The INDEPTH Executive Director, Prof Osman Sankoh, in October attended the annual meeting of editors of the International Journal of Epidemiology, the topmost / high-impact journal in its area in London.
An IJE editor himself, Osman seized the opportunity and presented the US-NIH/UK-Wellcome Trust $76 million funded programme over five years, the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) which is developing capacity for health-related genomics research in Africa, led by Africans.
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APHRC’s researcher contributes to first-ever global nutrition report
A consortium of nations, organisations, researchers, and academics have released the first-ever comprehensive narrative on global health and country-level progress toward reducing malnutrition across the globe.
The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) provides a global profile and country profiles on nutrition for each of the United Nations’ 192 member states, and includes specific progress for each country.
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President of Kenya visits Kilifi, an INDEPTH member centre to officially commission the Mbuyuni Training Complex
President Uhuru Kenyatta during a tour during visited the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust complex in Kilifi on October 24, 2014.
The President officially commissioned the Mbuyuni Training Complex at the KEMRI's Centre for Geographic Medicine Research - Coast, Kilifi County.
Present at the ceremony were the Head of Training Dr. Sam Kinyanjui, Stewart Madzayo, the Senator Kilifi county, Prof. Solomon Mpoke, Chairperson of the KEMRI Board of Management, Read more ... |
OpenHDS Training Workshop held in Dubai
Twenty-eight participants took part in the INDEPTH Data Management Programme’s (IDMP) OpenHDS Training Workshop in Dubai, UAE from November 14 – 17, 2014.
OpenHDS is an open source data management system designed for efficient and cost effective data capture, management and communication at HDSS sites.
Among the participants were representatives from 12 member centres of the Network from nine countries in Africa and Asia ,
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Fourth iSHARE2 Training Workshop ends on positive note
The fourth iSHARE2 training workshop for data managers under the INDEPTH Data Management Programme (IDMP) ended successfully in Dubai.
The successful conclusion of this workshop brought the cumulative number to about 27 INDEPTH member centres, whose DMs have been taken through the INDEPTH recommended best data management process and reference data model.
The main objectives of the iSHARE2 ...
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INDEPTH staff hold retreat
Staff of INDEPTH Network held their annual retreat at the Royal Senchi Hotel near Akosombo in the Eastern Region of Ghana from December 18 – 20, 2014.
The retreat is an important event on the calendar of the Secretariat where staff review the year’s activities and discuss among others the work plan and budget for the coming year
During the three-day programme, managers of the various section together with their team presented their detailed .
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Policy Engagement and Communications
INDEPTH Network Secretariat |
INDEPTH Network, 38 & 40 Mensah Wood Street, East Legon; P.O. Box KD213 Kanda, Accra, GHANA |