INDEPTH, Stanford University hold discussions
The Executive Director of the INDEPTH Network, Prof Osman Sankoh, led a four-member delegation to Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, USA, from January 20 th – 21 st , 2015.
The visit was to familiarise interested Stanford Faculty with the capacities of the INDEPTH Network and the interests of its affiliated scientists and also to inform INDEPTH scientists of the capacities and research interests of select Stanford University faculty. Read more |
Former Deputy DG of GHS visits INDEPTH
The former Deputy Director General of the Ghana Health Service, Dr Sam Adjei, paid a courtesy call on the Executive Director of the INDEPTH Network, Prof Osman Sankoh on 27 th January 2015.
The visit was to discuss avenues of collaboration with the Centre for Health and Social Service (CHeSS), a private not for profit organisation of which Dr Adjei is the President and Chief Executive Officer.
INDEPTH Network, which has upped ... Read more.. |

Kwame K. Adjei, Dr Sam Adjei and Prof Osman Sankoh
Board and SAC meetings held in Dubai
Two key meetings by the INDEPTH Board of Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) were held in Dubai in early February 2015. The meeting of the Board on 3rd - 4th February reviewed the status of the Network and also welcomed Professors Abhijit Chowdhury and Nguyen Chuc Nguyen, and Dr. Walter Otieno who were attending a meeting of the Board for the first time since their election in December 2014. The meeting of the Board was preceded by the meeting of the SAC with Projects and Working Groups leaders on 1 st - 3 rd February 2015.

SAC members & Working Groups leaders in a group photo
INDEPTH gets new Policy Engagement and Communications Manager
David Mbulumi joined the INDEPTH Network as the new Policy Engagement and Communications Manager in early February 2015.
He comes from the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) in Tanzania where he was the Head of the Resource Centre. He has worked with the UN and as senior newspaper editor before.
He comes from the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) in Tanzania where he was the head of the Resource Centre. The IHI, an INDEPTH member centre, is one of Africa’s most eminent health research centres .. Read more |
International science union honours INDEPTH SAC member
A member of the INDEPTH Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), Dr Cheikh Mbacké, was in February selected by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Council to be the 2015 IUSSP Laureate in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the advancement of population sciences and distinguished service rendered to the IUSSP. In 2003, Dr. Mbacké was the recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation's Outstanding Achievement Award for his leadership and management of the ... Read more ... |
Ministers hear INDEPTH's work and potentials for strengthening civil registration and vital statistics
The 3 rd Conference of African ministers responsible for Civil Registration was held in Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire from 12 th - 13 th February, 2015. The Executive Director, Prof Osman Sankoh, represented the Network at the conference where he presented the organisation’s work and potential for strengthening civil registration of vital statistics to more than 30 ministers of the Interior and Health responsible for civil registration in their countries. INDEPTH Network was a co-organiser of the event whose ... Read more ... |
INDEPTH ED visits Taabo HDSS
On 13 th February 2015, after attending a ministerial conference on Civil Registration in Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire, the INDEPTH Executive Director visited Taabo HDSS, a member centre of Network, where he met with colleagues. Through that visit and interaction, the need for an exchange visit by some Taabo field staff was found important. Hence, plans are underway for some Taabo staff to visit Ouagadougou HDSS in Burkina Faso, soon in order to gain insights with the hope of improving their field and technical operations.
Regional forum reviews state of health research in West Africa
On 23rd February 2015, the Capacity Strengthening and Training Manager, Dr Martin Bangha, introduced the Network to heads of research in ministries (Health, Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology) as well as to heads of public health training institutions from 14 member countries of ECOWAS in a meeting of West African Health Organisation (WAHO) in Abidjan. In his presentation, Dr Bangha highlighted the crucial and complementary role INDEPTH plays in the sub-region of West Africa by supporting ... Read more ... |
INDEPTH member centre leader wins top award
The Executive Director of the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) in Tanzania Prof Salim Abdulla has been awarded the Donald Reid Medal at a ceremony in London in March 2015. The Medal is awarded triennially by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in recognition of distinguished contributions to epidemiology. The medal was instituted in 1979 in memory of Professor Donald Reid who was Director of the Department of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine from 1961 until his sudden death in 1977. IHI is a founder member of INDEPTH. |
Researchers develop health expenditure study methodology
A workshop for developing estimation methodology for a project on household Out-of-Pocket expenditures was held in Accra from 4-7th March 2015.
The researchers who met in Accra agreed on specific activities and timelines of the iHOPE project, reviewed the literature on various methodologies of measuring Out-of-Pocket (OOP) health care payment and started the development of an instrument for measuring OOP. Read more ... .Read more ... |
INDEPTH Education workshop held in Accra
Researchers who are members of the INDEPTH Education Working Group met in Accra for a three-day workshop which was officially opened by the Executive Director of the Network, Prof. Osman Sankoh, on 25th March 2015. The 13 workshop participants came from nine HDSS in Burkina Faso, Gambia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and included a delegate from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Vienna, Austria.
INDEPTH has Working Groups in over 10 thematic areas and actively utilises them as generators or incubators for multi-site research and development al projects.
... .Read more |
High level meeting puts African data on the spotlight
Towards the end of March 2015 the INDEPTH Executive Director attended a three-day High Level Conference on data revolution in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This was a side event of the 8 th th Joint ECA-AUC Conference of Ministers of Finance and Planning and Economic Development. The conference addressed topics related to areas in Africa that lack data, the role of “African” data in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adoption of data revolution principles and national level implementation, the balance between comparable data for monitoring development goals and data that can contribute to local level ..... Read more ... |
Abstract submission for INDEPTH Scientific Conference still open
The abstract submission for the INDEPTH Scientific Conference is still open and will end on 30 th April. We encourage all interested scientists to visit the link ( Abstract Submission) . You can read more on the ISC at ( ISC 2015) |