3rd Quarter Newsletter 2016
1. INDEPTH thanks funders, partners of children interventions study
A two-day OPTIMUNISE Project stakeholders meeting was held in Accra, Ghana, from 26-27 August 2016. The INDEPTH Executive Director Prof. Osman Sankoh thanked funders, partners and participating INDEPTH centres for what had been achieved in the study that lasted five years. Read more
2. Patterns of mortality in the elderly in Vietnam
Vietnam is facing the challenge of population aging in the coming years. Researchers at INDEPTH's partners the Hanoi School of Public Health undertook a study to provide scientific evidences for making appropriate recommendations to improve health care for elderly people. Read more
3. Nouna, partners organise workshop on M&E
The 6th session of the regional workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of programmes against malaria was held recently at Palm Beach Hotel in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.The workshop was organised by the Nouna Health Research Centre, an INDEPTH member in Burkina Faso, and their partners .. Read more
4. South African research giants join forces
The Africa Centre for Population Health of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, an INDEPTH member, has merged with the KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV (K-RITH) to form the Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI). The merged organisation will do business under the legal name ... Read more
5. icddr,b and collaborators win US$ 2.5m for research
icddr,b and its collaborators have won US$ 2,500,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for a new research project on integration of nutrition, early childhood development, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).The project titled "Research on Integration of Nutrition Early Childhood Development WASH (RINEW)" ...Read more
6. Poor collaboration between researchers contributes to little use of evidence
Inaccessibility of researchers and lack of collaboration between them are some of the reasons behind the weak research to policy and practice link.This was said by Prof. Yemane Berhane from Addis Continental Institute of Public Health during a meeting of various health sector stakeholders in Addis Ababa, Read more
7. Scientists from TDR visit KHRC
The Kintampo Health Research Centre (KHRC) hosted a team of renowned scientists from TDR , the WHO's Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases. Dr. Olumide Ogundahunsi and Dr. Juono Okorosobo were accompanied by Prof. Margaret Gyapong, Director of (DHRC). Read more
8. INDEPTH strategic planning meeting held in Johannesburg
The Head of Wits University School of Public Health in South Africa Prof Laetitia Rispel (centre) poses for a photograph with INDEPTH Working Groups, Strategic Groups and Project Leaders; some members of the INDEPTH Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), INDEPTH Executive.... Read more
9. Kilifi HDSS goes paperless…
For over ten years the Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System, the largest in Africa, has been collecting routine surveillance data using paper-based systems.Spanning over 891 km2 and covering a population of 280,000 inhabitants (December 2015), the Kilifi Health Demographic Surveillance System ... Read more
10. #AIDS2016: Cutting-edge study to help young women
As young women continue to bear the brunt of new HIV infections, it can’t be business as usual when it comes to HIV prevention.This is the thinking behind the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Africa Centre for Population Health research which is seeking to incentivise men for testing and initiation on (ART). Read more
11. Africa's demographic future: why Africa should take the lead, says INDEPTH ED in The Lancet
Population growth can present opportunities as well as threats. Large working-age adult populations open up the possibility of a demographic dividend, whereby the most economically productive segment of the population, less burdened than previous generations by elderly and child dependants, triggers rapid economic ... Read more
12. Dissemination meeting on implications of Insecticide Resistance on Malaria Vector Control
A meeting to disseminate findings of a recent study on the impact of malaria insecticide resistance, led by Prof. Charles Mbogo of KEMRI-Wellcome Trust, took place in July 2016. The Kenya Medical Research Institute and the National Malaria Control Programme, Ministry of Health and ... Read more
13. Linking health and environment data
The Executive Director of the INDEPTH Network, Prof. Osman Sankoh, was part of the Advancing Planetary Health meeting held in Bellagio, Italy from 4 – 8 July 2016. The aim of the meeting was to shape the development of a programme of activities on health within Future Earth Health Knowledge-Action ...Read more
14. INDEPTH adds more data to its publicly available archives
INDEPTH data archives were updated on July 1, 2016. This brings the coverage of datasets in INDEPTHStats to 26 member research centres in Africa and Asia, which include 32 HDSS field sites. The update of the data repository brought the coverage datasets to 25 member health research centres in Africa and Asia, which include 27 HDSSs. Read more
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