It is important to decide on, plan for, and set up quality control measures to ensure that good and
reliable data is collected. Such measures can be done by the following approaches:
Examination of forms
Supervisors must check that all forms or instruments are checked for completeness in the field
before they are sent to the data unit.
A supervisor should re-interview 3-5% of the households randomly selected from the day's work to
check on the accuracy of the response recorded by the enumerator.
Supervised interviews
Supervisors should accompany the enumerator and observe the interview without interfering in the
process. They shall take notes on the strengths and weaknesses of the enumerators that shall be
discussed after leaving the household. Supervisors must not discuss their observations in the
presence of community members but rather with the field team at a convenient place and time.
Continuing Analysis
Especially during startup, there should be continuing analysis of data to detect any flaws in the
system at an early date.