Consistency Checks on in migration
You should make the following checks on all reported in-migrations:
- The reference period criterion has been met for the reported in- migrant. For reasons of
marriage, however, an exception is made even if the period has not yet elapsed.
- Check to determine whether the in-migrant have been reported in the previous round of KDSS
interviews. When respondents are different in different rounds and in- migrant is absent this
may mislead you and cause double recording.
- Vital and demographic events which occurred to an in-migrant can only occur after the criterion
of an In-Migrant is met.
- Keep separate notes of those vital and demographic events which occurred to in- migrants who
do not meet the criteria of a migrant. In the subsequent visitation, if they meet the criteria for
memberships, you will also be required to record those vital/demographic events in the HRB
and complete relevant forms. These notes can be made on the back of the page for the
fieldworker interviewing the compound the following round.
- In rare instances, a woman will migrate for the delivery of a child. Review carefully all migration
records for infants to make sure that a mother migrates as well. Enquire specifically whether
they are born after the arrival of their mother in this compound and whether their mother
intended to go back after staying for some period in this compound. Also probe to determine
whether the membership of their mother is valid by applying the membership definition for a
pregnant mother.