Staff motivation & retention
Effective and efficient running of a DSS site can only be achieved when staff are motivated to work diligently and encouraged to stay in the system.  To achieve this, the following experience should be considered:
Staff salaries and benefits: Salaries of staff should be adequate and comparable with similar posts in the country and the private sector, with some compensation for remote rural posting where indicated.  Adequate benefits should include:
  • Staff pension fund or welfare fund
  • Staff health care package
  • Staff recreational facilities
  • Staff accommodation for senior staff
  • Staff should have secure contracts

Capacity building: Training programmes should be resourced for staff development to enhance skills and prepare staff for promotion within the system.  Staff who are supported for higher training should be bonded for 2 to 3 years.
Effective communication: Effective communication throughout the staff is critical to smooth operations.  This can be assisted by:
  • Weekly staff team meetings
  • Quarterly general (all) staff meetings
  • Involving staff in planning, organizing and controlling the day-to-day activities of the site
  • Good inter-personal relationships