Dear Centre leaders,
Greetings from the INDEPTH Training and Resource Centre. We hope you had a fruitful week. We have the following items for your kind attention
AGM2017 Countdown - meeting in Dubai a few weeks to go.
SAPRIN: HDSS expands in South Africa for evidence-based decision-making
INDEPTH ED attends the 28th International Population Conference in Cape Town, South Africa
Revisiting the INDEPTH Monograph Series?
1. AGM2017 Countdown - meeting in Dubai a few weeks to go.
This year the INDEPTH Annual General Meeting will be held from 11-13 December 2017 in Dubai, UAE and we are happy to announce that the online registration link is still activated at (Click to Register). So far the following centre leaders have registered:
AHRI, South Africa
Kintampo, Ghana
Agincourt, South Africa
Ballabgarh, India
Bandafassi/Mlomp/Niakhar, Senegal
Bandim, Guinea-Bissau
Butajira. Ethiopia
Cross River , Nigeria
Dabat, Ethiopia
Dikgale, South Africa
Dodowa, Ghana
Filabavi, Vietnam
Gilgel Gibe, Ethiopia
Iganga/Mayuge, Uganda
Karonga, Malawi
Kaya, Burkina Faso
Kersa/Harar, Ethiopia
Kilite Awlaelo, Ethiopia
Kombewa, Kenya
Magu, Tanzania
Manhica, Mozambique
Mbita, Kenya
Nahuche, Nigeria
Nairobi, Kenya
Nanoro, Burkina Faso
Navrongo, Ghana
Ougadougou , Burkina Faso
PiH, Papua New-Guinea
Purworejo, Indonesia
We encourage all centre leaders who have not already done so to register now.
The Arabian Park Hotel, venue of the 2017 AGM in Dubai is requesting all participants to complete the attached form to aid the processing of visas. The visa requirements are:
Clear passport size photograph - Dimensions: 4.3 cm x 5.5 cm, File Size: 40 KB Type: jpg Colored and clear
Clear and valid passport copy of each Guest - (minimum validity of 6 months prior to arrival).
The hotel will require arrival dates of all participants. Hence we strongly encourage all centres leaders to provide their flight details to the Resource Centre as soon as possible for onward transmission to the Hotel.
2. SAPRIN: HDSS expands in South Africa for evidence-based decision-making
The DST/MRC South African Population Research Infrastructure Network (SAPRIN) is a new national asset that will generate high-quality evidence to inform interventions aimed at responding to some of South Africa’s biggest issues which include poverty, inequality, unemployment and poor access to effective health care. This national research platform is linked with cross-cutting public institutions such as universities, research councils, the ministries of Health, Social Development, Basic Education, Statistics-SA as well as Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in the Presidency. The SAPRIN program is the third major partnership between the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) building on, and linking with, the Strategic Health Innovation Partnership (SHIP) and the Newton programs. Read more
3. INDEPTH ED attends the 28th International Population Conference in Cape Town, South Africa
INDEPTH Executive Director (R) being introduced to the Minister in the Presidency responsible for Statistics South Africa (L) by Dr Pali Lehohla (M), Vice Chair of the INDEPTH Board, immediate past Head of Stats SA.
Prof Osman Sankoh, Executive Director of INDEPTH Network is playing a role at the ongoing IUSSP 28th International Population conference in Cape Town, South Africa from 29 October to 4 November 2017. Prof Sankoh is a co-convener for Theme 9: Health, Mortality and Longevity. Read more
4. Revisiting the INDEPTH Monograph Series?
INDEPTH started in 2002 with the Monograph Series and published our first
Population and Health in Developing countries:Available here
And in 2004 we published our second INDEPTH Model Life Tables for Sub-Saharan Africa:Available here
And in 2005 our third Measuring Health Equity in Small Areas: Available here
Because the above three books turned out to be huge undertakings that required several funded workshops over several months and also for the fact that the monographs were not considered peer-reviewed products, the INDEPTH Scientific Advisory Committee advised a discontinuation of the Monograph Strategy and urged the Network to focus on peer-reviewed papers in international journals. Read more