INDEPTH AGM 2017, Dubai, UAE

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the General Assembly of the Network that takes decisions on issues concerning the welfare of the organisation, tabled by the Board and/or the Executive Director. The AGM shall:

(i) receive the Report of the INDEPTH Board;
(ii) receive and consider the audited accounts of INDEPTH of the preceding year;
(iii) receive the Report of the Executive Director;
(iv) elect members to fill vacancies on the INDEPTH Board;
(v) consider any matter affecting the interest of INDEPTH; and,
(vi) transact such other business as may be necessary


  1. All centre leaders are required to attend
  2. After review of abstracts, Senior Scientist will be contacted separately

Please complete all the  fields and click on submit to register. 
If you have any queries  please contact the INDEPTH Resource & Training Centre.

* denotes compulsory field.