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 (July 1, 2017)
INDEPTH Network adds more health and demographic data
to its publicly available online data archives
  • INDEPTH strengthens data management systems in health research and improves access to information for better science and health policy
  • The freely accessible INDEPTH Data Repository ( now has datasets from 26 member health research centres in Africa and Asia, which include 30 HDSS field sites
  • The freely accessible INDEPTHStats ( now has datasets from 26 member research centres in Africa and Asia, which include from 34 HDSS field sites

Accra, Ghana, 1st July 2017 – The International Network for the Demographic Evaluation of Population and Their Health (INDEPTH) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) announces IMPORTANT UPDATES to the Core Micro Datasets and Documentation on the INDEPTH Data Repository ( and on its associated data visualization website, INDEPTHStats ( These are two unique online data archives that continue to build and strengthen capacity for research data management, health and scientific research in LMICs as well as improving access to fully documented high quality longitudinal datasets by the scientific community and health policy makers worldwide. Moreover, these datasets also represent a valuable teaching resource.

At the completion of this year’s updates, the INDEPTH Data Repository, launched in 2013, would hold data on over 1.9 million individuals and more than 31 million person-years of observation representing the first harmonised database of longitudinal population-based data from LMICs (for a total of 85 published datasets since inception).

The INDEPTH Resource and Training Centre has shared the newly designed INDEPTH Strategic Plan 2017-2021. Please see it at this link: INDEPTH Strategic Plan 2017 - 2021.

The INDEPTH Data Repository is an online archive of fully documented high-quality longitudinal datasets from INDEPTH member Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) centres. It is the first repository that specializes in longitudinal population-based data from LMICs.

The repository was established on 1st July, 2013 with 6 datasets from HDSS field sites. Today we have datasets from the following member 30 HDSS field sites in Africa and Asia (covering 15 countries):
  HDSS Country
1 Chakaria HDSS Bangladesh
2 Nanoro HDSS Burkina Faso
3 Ouagadougou HDSS Burkina Faso
4 Taabo HDSS Cote d'Ivoire
5 Arba Minch HDSS Ethiopia
6 Dabat HDSS Ethiopia
7 Gilgel Gibe HDSS Ethiopia
8 Kersa HDSS Ethiopia
9 Kilite Awlaelo HDSS Ethiopia
10 Farafenni HDSS Gambia
11 Dodowa HDSS Ghana
12 Kintampo HDSS Ghana
13 Navrongo HDSS Ghana
14 Vadu HDSS India
15 Mbita HDSS Kenya
16 Nairobi HDSS Kenya
17 Karonga HDSS Malawi
18 Chokwe HDSS Mozambique
19 Bandafassi HDSS Senegal
20 Mlomp HDSS Senegal
21 Niakhar HDSS Senegal
22 Africa Centre HDSS South Africa
23 Agincourt HDSS South Africa
24 Digkale HDSS South Africa
25 Ifakara Rural HDSS Tanzania
26 Magu HDSS Tanzania
27 Rufiji HDSS Tanzania
28 Iganga/Mayuge HDSS Uganda
29 Chililab HDSS Vietnam
30 Filabavi HDSS Vietnam
INDEPTHStats is the corresponding data visualisation website that contains summary statistics, images and graphs of key health and demographic indicators generated from the respective INDEPTH member HDSS field sites. INDEPTHStats provides researchers, government officials and policymakers with information that can guide their decision-making, including crude birth and death rates, age specific fertility and death rates, infant, child, and under five mortality rates, as well as numerous other health and demographic indicators.
Launched on 1st July, 2013, INDEPTHStats had initial data from 18 HDSS field sites. Today, INDEPTHStats has data from the following 34 HDSS field sites from Africa and Asia (covering 15 countries):
  HDSS Country
1 Chakaria HDSS Bangladesh
2 Matlab HDSS Bangladesh
3 Nanoro HDSS Burkina Faso
4 Ouagadougou HDSS Burkina Faso
5 Taabo HDSS Cote d'Ivoire
6 Arba Minch HDSS Ethiopia
7 Dabat HDSS Ethiopia
8 Gilgel Gibe HDSS Ethiopia
9 Kersa HDSS Ethiopia
10 Kilite Awlaelo HDSS Ethiopia
11 Farafenni HDSS Gambia
12 Dodowa HDSS Ghana
13 Kintampo HDSS Ghana
14 Navrongo HDSS Ghana
15 Vadu HDSS India
16 Kilifi HDSS Kenya
17 Kisumu HDSS Kenya
18 Mbita HDSS Kenya
19 Nairobi HDSS Kenya
20 Karonga HDSS Malawi
21 Chokwe HDSS Mozambique
22 Manhica HDSS Mozambique
23 Bandafassi HDSS Senegal
24 Mlomp HDSS Senegal
25 Niakhar HDSS Senegal
26 Africa Centre HDSS South Africa
27 Agincourt HDSS South Africa
28 Digkale HDSS South Africa
29 Ifakara Rural HDSS Tanzania
30 Magu HDSS Tanzania
31 Rufiji HDSS Tanzania
32 Iganga/Mayuge HDSS Uganda
33 Chililab HDSS Vietnam
34 Filabavi HDSS Vietnam
In addition to these data, INDEPTH launched the INDEPTHStats app on 1st July 2014. The INDEPTHStats App is a data visualisation app which allows users to explore on tablets or mobile phones, basic demographic indicators generated by INDEPTH member HDSSs centres. The indicators are visualized by interactive, animated charts and tables. The INDEPTHStats App has been further developed and made available as a free App on Google store Android phones and tablets as well as made available for iphone and ipad users. This means that the visualisation website can be viewed on tablets and smart phones as well.

Additional Project-Specific Datasets

In 2014 we released on the INDEPTH Data Repository the unique datasets on Cause Specific Mortality covering the following 22 HDSS field sites:

  HDSS Country
1 Chakaria HDSS Bangladesh
2 Matlab HDSS Bangladesh
3 AMK HDSS Bangladesh
4 Bandarban HDSS Bangladesh
5 Ouagadougou HDSS Burkina Faso
6 Nouna HDSS Burkina Faso
7 Taabo HDSS Cote d'Ivoire
8 Kilite Awlaelo HDSS Ethiopia
9  Farafenni HDSS Gambia
10 Dodowa HDSS Ghana
11 Navrongo HDSS Ghana
12 Ballabgarh HDSS India
13 Vadu HDSS India
14 Purworejo HDSS Indonesia
15 Kilifi HDSS Kenya
16 Kisumu HDSS Kenya
17 Nairobi HDSS Kenya
18 Karonga HDSS Malawi
19 Niakhar HDSS Senegal
20 Africa Centre HDSS South Africa
21 Agincourt HDSS South Africa
22 Filabavi HDSS Vietnam
We have also added datasets from the following INDEPTH multicentre projects as well as publication datasets:
  1. MADIMAH – Multi-centre Analysis of the Dynamics of Internal Migration And Human Capital in six INDEPTH Centres in sub-Saharan Africa - Release July 2016
  2. Epidemiology and Treatment of Epilepsy in Sub-Saharan Africa released in 2013
  3. INDEPTH-WHO SAGE Study –  Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health in Eight lower-Income Countries – released in 2010
  4. INDEPTH NCD-RF (Non Communicable Diseases Risk Factor) Surveillance, 2005 Data (Release 2016)
  5. Health and Aging in Africa: A Longitudinal Study of an INDEPTH Community in South Africa [HAALSI] Baseline Survey: Agincourt, South Africa, 2015
Publication Datasets:
  1.  Participation in Africa Centre's HIV surveillance between 2003 and 2012: See Larmarange J, Mossong J, Bärnighausen T, Newell ML (2015) Participation Dynamics in Population-Based Longitudinal HIV Surveillance in Rural South Africa. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0123345.
  2.  Agincourt under five mortality 2015: See Byass, P., Kabudula, C W., Mee, P., Ngobeni, S., Silaule, B. et al. (2015) A Successful Failure: Missing the MDG4 Target for Under-Five Mortality in South Africa. PLoS Medicine, 12(12): e1001926
  3. Bangladesh, Ghana, South Africa, Vietnam - The evolving demographic and health transition in four low- and middle-income countries: See Bawah A, Houle B, Alam N, Razzaque A, Streatfield PK, Debpuur C, et al. (2016) The Evolving Demographic and Health Transition in Four Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from Four Sites in the INDEPTH Network of Longitudinal Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157281.
International Recognition
The INDEPTH Data Repository has been recognised by PLOS-ONE, a reputable international academic journal, as an approved repository to lodge publication datasets.

INDEPTH thanks its core support funders, Hewlett Foundation, Sida/Research Cooperation Unit and Wellcome Trust for the continued support. We also thank the entire Network members for agreeing to make their invaluable datasets freely available on the web. This has made INDEPTH the pacesetter in responsibly sharing longitudinal public health data from the global South.

Publications using data from the INDEPTH Data Repository and INDEPTHStats

  •  Herbst K, Juvekar S, Bhattacharjee T, Bangha M, Patharia N, Tei T, et al. The INDEPTH Data Repository: An International Resource for Longitudinal Population and Health Data From Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. 2015;10(3):324-33
  • Sankoh O, Byass P. (2014). Cause-specific mortality at INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System Sites in Africa and Asia: concluding synthesis. Glob Health Action. 7:25590. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25590.
  • Streatfield PK, Khan WA, Bhuiya A, Hanifi SM, Alam N, Millogo O, Sié A, Zabré P, Rossier C, Soura AB, Bonfoh B, Kone S, Ngoran EK, Utzinger J, Abera SF, Melaku YA, Weldearegawi B, Gomez P, Jasseh M, Ansah P, Azongo D, Kondayire F, Oduro A, Amu A, Gyapong M, Kwarteng O, Kant S, Pandav CS, Rai SK, Juvekar S, Muralidharan V, Wahab A, Wilopo S, Bauni E, Mochamah G, Ndila C, Williams TN, Khagayi S, Laserson KF, Nyaguara A, Van Eijk AM, Ezeh A, Kyobutungi C, Wamukoya M, Chihana M, Crampin A, Price A, Delaunay V, Diallo A, Douillot L, Sokhna C, Gómez-Olivé FX, Mee P, Tollman SM, Herbst K, Mossong J, Chuc NT, Arthur SS, Sankoh OA, Byass P. (2014).HIV/AIDS-related mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites. Glob Health Action. 7:25370. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25370.
  •  Streatfield PK, Khan WA, Bhuiya A,  Hanifi SMA, Alam N, Diboulo E,  Sie A, Ye M, Compaore Y, Soura AB, Bonfoh B, Jaeger F, Ngoran EK, Utzinger J, Yohannes A. Melaku YA, Mulugeta A, Weldearegawi B, Gomez P, Jasseh J, Hodgson A, Oduro A, Welaga P, Williams J, Awini E, Binka FN, Gyapong M, Kant S, Misra P, Srivastava R, Chaudhary B, Juvekar S, Wahab A, Wilopo S, Bauni E, Mochamah G, Ndila C, Williams TN, Desai M, Hamel MJ, Lindblade KA, Odhiambo FO, Slutsker L, Ezeh A, Kyobutungi C, Wamukoya M, Delaunay V, Diallo A, Douillot L, Sokhna C, Gomez-Olive FX, Kabudula CW, Mee P, Herbst AK, Mossong J, Chuc NTK, Arthur SS, Sankoh OA, Tanner M and Byass P. (2014). Malaria mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites. Glob Health Action. 7:25369. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25369.
  • Streatfield PK, Alam N, Compaoré Y, Rossier C, Soura AB, Bonfoh B, Jaeger F, Ngoran EK, Utzinger J, Gomez P, Jasseh M, Ansah A, Debpuur C, Oduro A, Williams J, Addei S, Gyapong M, Kukula VA, Bauni E, Mochamah G, Ndila C, Williams TN, Desai M, Moige H, Odhiambo FO, Ogwang S, Beguy D, Ezeh A, Oti S, Chihana M, Crampin A, Price A, Delaunay V, Diallo A, Douillot L, Sokhna C, Collinson MA, Kahn K, Tollman SM, Herbst K, Mossong J, Emina JB, Sankoh OA, Byass P. (2014).Pregnancy-related mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites. Glob Health Action. 7:25368. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25368.
  • Streatfield PK, Khan WA, Bhuiya A, Hanifi SM, Alam N, Diboulo E, Niamba L, Sié A, Lankoandé B, Millogo R, Soura AB, Bonfoh B, Kone S, Ngoran EK, Utzinger J, Ashebir Y, Melaku YA, Weldearegawi B, Gomez P, Jasseh M, Azongo D, Oduro A, Wak G, Wontuo P, Attaa-Pomaa M, Gyapong M, Manyeh AK, Kant S, Misra P, Rai SK, Juvekar S, Patil R, Wahab A, Wilopo S, Bauni E, Mochamah G, Ndila C, Williams TN, Khaggayi C, Nyaguara A, Obor D, Odhiambo FO, Ezeh A, Oti S, Wamukoya M, Chihana M, Crampin A, Collinson MA, Kabudula CW, Wagner R, Herbst K, Mossong J, Emina JB, Sankoh OA, Byass P. (2014). Mortality from external causes in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System Sites. Glob Health Action. 7:25366. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25366.
  • Streatfield PK, Khan WA, Bhuiya A, Hanifi SM, Alam N, Bagagnan CH, Sié A, Zabré P, Lankoandé B, Rossier C, Soura AB, Bonfoh B, Kone S, Ngoran EK, Utzinger J, Haile F, Melaku YA, Weldearegawi B, Gomez P, Jasseh M, Ansah P, Debpuur C, Oduro A, Wak G, Adjei A, Gyapong M, Sarpong D, Kant S, Misra P, Rai SK, Juvekar S, Lele P, Bauni E, Mochamah G, Ndila C, Williams TN, Laserson KF, Nyaguara A, Odhiambo FO, Phillips-Howard P, Ezeh A, Kyobutungi C, Oti S, Crampin A, Nyirenda M, Price A, Delaunay V, Diallo A, Douillot L, Sokhna C, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kahn K, Tollman SM, Herbst K, Mossong J, Chuc NT, Bangha M, Sankoh OA, Byass P. (2014). Adult non-communicable disease mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites. Glob Health Action. 7:25365. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25365.
  • Streatfield PK, Khan WA, Bhuiya A, Hanifi SM, Alam N, Ouattara M, Sanou A, Sié A, Lankoandé B, Soura AB, Bonfoh B, Jaeger F, Ngoran EK, Utzinger J, Abreha L, Melaku YA, Weldearegawi B, Ansah A, Hodgson A, Oduro A, Welaga P, Gyapong M, Narh CT, Narh-Bana SA, Kant S, Misra P, Rai SK, Bauni E, Mochamah G, Ndila C, Williams TN, Hamel MJ, Ngulukyo E, Odhiambo FO, Sewe M, Beguy D, Ezeh A, Oti S, Diallo A, Douillot L, Sokhna C, Delaunay V, Collinson MA, Kabudula CW, Kahn K, Herbst K, Mossong J, Chuc NT, Bangha M, Sankoh OA, Byass P. (2014). Cause-specific childhood mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites.  Glob Health Action. 7:25363. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25363.
  • Streatfield PK, Khan WA, Bhuiya A, Alam N, Sié A, Soura AB, Bonfoh B, Ngoran EK, Weldearegawi B, Jasseh M, Oduro A, Gyapong M, Kant S, Juvekar S, Wilopo S, Williams TN, Odhiambo FO, Beguy D, Ezeh A, Kyobutungi C, Crampin A, Delaunay V, Tollman SM, Herbst K, Chuc NT, Sankoh OA, Tanner M, Byass P. (2014). Cause-specific mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites. Glob Health Action. 7:25362. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25362.
  • Sankoh O, Sharrow D, Herbst AJ, Kabudula CH, Alam N, Kant S, Ravn H, Bhuiya A, Vui LT, Darikwa T, Gyapong M, Jasseh M, Chuc NTK, Abdullah S, Crampin A, Ojal J, Owusu-Agyei S, Odhiambo F, Urassa M, Streatfield KP, Shimada M, Sacoor C, Beguy D, Derra K, Wak G, Delaunay V, Sie A, Soura A, Diallo D, Wilopo S, Masanja H, Bonfoh B, Phuanukoonnon S, Clark SJ. (2014).The INDEPTH standard population for low- and middle-income countries, Glob Health Action, 7: 23286

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