Announcement / Advert for Students 2006


A collaboration between The School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and the INDEPTH Network (INDEPTH Scientific Development and Leadership Programme)

The School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partnership with the INDEPTH Network, invite applications for the new

Master of Science (MSc) in Population Based Field Epidemiology for the 2006 Academic year


Why choose the Wits School of Public Health?

The teaching programmes of the Wits School of Public Health are well-evaluated, oversubscribed and internationally recognized.  They reflect the values of the School: to promote equity and human rights, and to meaningfully respond to the needs of the people on the African continent.


Who is the course for?

Data Managers and researchers of Demographic Surveillance Sites (DSS) of INDEPTH

Epidemiologists/researchers working on field-based projects

Future research leaders on developing-country based research sites

Individuals who require relational database management skills and/or working with longitudinal data sets

Course Content

It has five disciplinary arms and an integrating fieldwork component.

1.      Epidemiology

2.      Biostatistics and data management

3.      Demography and other social sciences

4.      Information technologies for demography and health surveillance

5.      Leadership in research and research management


Career Opportunities

It opens the door for a career in:


·    Leadership in field-based scientific research and/or managerial position of Demography and Surveillance sites

·    Leadership role in engaging health and development research that promotes the Millennium Development Goals.

·    Academic teaching in population and health science

·    International agencies

·    Studying for a doctoral degree



A limited number of fellowships are available through the INDEPTH Network for potential students currently working in INDEPTH member DSS sites. For information on INDEPTH fellowship application forms, contact:


Other funding sources

A number of scholarships from TDR/WHO exist for full-time students. Contact Mr. Steven Wayling, Research Capability Strengthening (RCS), Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), World Health Organisation, CH-1211, Geneva, 27 Switzerland. E-mail:


Wits Financial Aid and Scholarship Office at +27 11 717 1070; e-mail:


University Accommodation

Applications for accommodation on the Wits University campus must reach the Office of Residence Life before 30 September each year.

Tel: +27 11 717-9170-4. Fax: +27 11 717-9179.



International Students

Students from the SADC countries and abroad are a vital part of this University and are strongly encouraged to apply.  Specific procedures apply to international students so apply well in advance for admission through the Faculty Office.



Closing date for applications is 30 September each year.

Early submission of applications is advisable.


International Office: Tel: +27 11 717-1054.

                      Fax: +27 11 717-1059.



Applications must include:

  1. Wits University post-graduate application forms (electronic forms available on Go to Postgraduate Studies and then Health Sciences Faculty).
  2. Written motivation by the applicant him/herself, which should include a description of relevant prior work experience.
  3. Two confidential referee reports.
  4. Certified copies of prior qualification(s).
  5. Certificates of computer courses, English competency or other relevant training.


For further information on the course



Dr Khin San Tint (Academic coordinator)

Tel: +27 (0)11 717-2502         Fax: +27 (0)11 717-2084



Ms Patience Mnqapu  (Course Administrator)

Tel: +27 (0)11 717-2131         Fax: +27 (0)11 717-2084



Postgraduate Application Forms are available from

The Postgraduate Officer

Faculty of Health Sciences

7 York Road



Tel:  +27 11 717-2076

Fax:  +27 11 717-2119
