1. Data managers and field workers trained on REDCap to capture data for ABACUS
Facilitators from INDEPTH Resource & Training Centre with the
Dodowa HRC ABACUS implementation team.
Trainers from INDPETH Resource and Training Centre had a three day training workshop for Data Managers and Field workers on the use of REDCap for data capture for the ABACUS team in Dodowa Health Research Centre. The three day training from 28th to 30 August centred
Trainers from INDPETH Resource and Training Centre had a three day training workshop for Data Managers and Field workers on the use of REDCap for data capture for the ABACUS team in Dodowa Health Research Centre. The three day training from 28th to 30 August centred on:
- Overview of REDCap Application
- Use of REDCap for Data Capture
- Setting up tablets for Data Capture
- Sending Captured Data to the server
- Reviewing Data Captured by field workers
AGM Venue, Harvard University Medical School, Mohammed Bin Rashid Complex
This year the INDEPTH Annual General Meeting will be held from 11-13 December 2017 in Dubai, UAE and we are happy to announce that the online registration link is now activated at (Register) . We encourage all centre leaders to register now. Deadline: September 15, 2017.
We would also like to know a few things about your centre’s participation as well as what you would like to see happen in Dubai. Attendance at INDEPTH AGMs is obligatory and helps you maintain the full membership in INDEPTH.
Please answer the few questions here >>> AGM 2017 Survey
1. Intervention with HIV-positive parents successfully increases HIV-disclosure to young children (African Health Research Institute, South Africa)
Ground breaking research led by a team of South African scientists proves that, given the right support, HIV-positive parents will disclose their status to their primary school aged children. This has enormous potential for protecting children’s health in the long term.
In a rigorous randomised control trial, researchers tested a lay-counsellor guided disclosure intervention, called Amagugu, with 428 HIV positive mothers. They found the intervention significantly increased maternal HIV disclosure to children aged six to 10 years. The intervention also led to important benefits including increased health education, custody planning and improvements in the parent-child relationship. Read more
2. Chililab HDSS, Vietnam publishes a supplement on health and healthcare transitions in Vietnam
The supplement “Health and Healthcare Transitions in Vietnam: Evidence from the Chililab Health and Demographic Surveillance System (CHILILAB HDSS)", has been published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. You may access all the papers online from the Journal’s website by clicking on the following link: Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
INDEPTH wishes to congratulate the Chililab team on this success. The INDEPTH ED, Prof. Osman Sankoh is one of the guest editors. We would always be delighted to support our member centres.
Policy Engagement and Communications