Melkamu Merid

Name: Melkamu Merid

Organisation: Kersa HDSS, Ethiopia

Position: Lecturer, Haramaya University,  Ethiopia


Melkamu is specialized in epidemiology and currently working in Haramaya University, eastern Ethiopia, as a lecturer. Some of his duties are to deliver public health courses specifically research methodology and epidemiology. He is also involved in four university funded research projects three of which are relevant to non-communicable disease. They include a prospective study which assessed dyslipidemia among HIV patients initiated on ART (completed project, currently working on the analysis), diabetic self-care practice and associated factors (data collection ongoing), and prevalence and associated factors of metabolic syndrome in adults (data collection ongoing). In collaboration with researchers at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands, he is working on systematic review and meta-analysis on association of diabetes mellitus with MDR-TB. Melkamu has three published research works in reputable scientific journals and one manuscript accepted for publication in The Lancet in collaboration with GBD.