PEC: How we work


Our methods for enhancing policy dialogue and communicating new knowledge to potential end users will include:

  1. Encouraging and supporting Working Groups to publish research findings and policy analyses in varied formats, including peer-reviewed articles in international journals, working papers and research reports, policy briefs, fact sheets, media releases and newspaper articles; our emphasis wherever possible will be on “open access”.
  2. Organising forums, meetings and briefings with key stakeholders
  3. Participating in international conferences and agenda-setting meetings
  4. Strengthening and collaborating with national and regional entities focused on population, health and development.
  5. Assessing existing policies and the policymaking environment, and on the basis of evidence, making relevant recommendations.
  6. The goal is to maintain an ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders at all levels, to ensure that our work is known, understood and used by those who develop policies and programmes.