The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the General Assembly of the Network that takes decisions on issues concerning the welfare of the organisation, tabled by the Board and/or the Executive Director. The AGM shall: (i) receive the Report of the INDEPTH Board; (ii) receive and consider the audited accounts of INDEPTH of the preceding year; (iii) receive the Report of the Executive Director; (iv) elect members to fill vacancies on the INDEPTH Board; (v) consider any matter affecting the interest of INDEPTH; and, (vi) transact such other business as may be necessary.
The INDEPTH Scientific Conference (ISC) is the Scientific Forum for members to share their experiences in Health and Demographic Surveillance in the form of presentations of scientific papers. Posters are also presented at the ISC especially by young scientists who are sponsored by the Network.
Since 2012 the AGM is held annually and theISC is held biennially.
AGM/ISC Presentations |
Reports |
2016 AGM 16-18 November 2016, Kampala, Uganda
2015 ISC/AGM 11-14 November 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2015 Presentations |
ISC 2015 Report ISC 2015 Programme |
2013 – 12th ISC / 13th AGM, Johannesburg, South Africa; October, 28-31 |
2013 Presentations |
ISC 2013 Report ISC 2013 Programme
2012 – 12th AGM, Hanoi, Vietnam; November, 20 – 23 |
2012 Presentations |
2011 - Eleventh ISC, Maputo, Mozambique; October, 24-27 |
2011 Presentations |
2010 - Tenth INDEPTH AGM, Accra Ghana; September 27 -30 |
2010 Presentations |
2009 - Ninth INDEPTH AGM, Pune India; October 26 -29 |
2009 Presentations
2008- Eighth INDEPTH AGM, Dar-es Salaam Tanzania; September 22 -26 |
2008 Presentations |
2007- Seventh INDEPTH AGM, Nairobi, Kenya; September 3 -7, |
2007 Presentations |
2006- Sixth INDEPTH AGM, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; September 18 -23 |
2005 - Fifth INDEPTH AGM Durban, South Africa; May 23 - 27 |
2004 - Fourth I NDEPTH AGM, Hanoi, Vietnam; May 3-7 |
2003- Third INDEPTH AGM, Accra, Ghana; February 3-7 |
2002- Second INDEPTH AGM, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; January 21-25 |
2000 - First INDEPTH AGM, Johannesburg, South Africa; June 26-30 |