A repository for well-documented anonymised longitudinal microdata from HDSSs
The expanded iSHARE programme (iSHARE2) will enable all INDEPTH member centres to contribute fully documented, high-quality micro-level datasets to the Scientific Programme timeously and effectively, and will greatly increase the ability of INDEPTH and member centres to share longitudinal health and population data with the scientific community. From the outset, INDEPTH encouraged best practice data management by developing a reference data model and incorporating it into a ‘resource kit’ for HDSS. With the launch of iSHARE (INDEPTH Sharing and Access Repository) in 2009, the Network took a major step towards improved access to surveillance data.
iSHARE is a unique example of the global south taking a lead in responsibly sharing public health data for use by the Network itself, and with researchers and policy makers across the world. Initiated by three sites in Asia and Oceania, iSHARE now has 11 contributing members; technologically, it is geared to add data from all INDEPTH centres. Increasingly, scientists and their institutions access data for academic study, epi-demographic analysis and evaluation-research. In the course of implementing iSHARE, the team successfully used open-source software to develop data extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) procedures that coped well with the different technological platforms at member centres. They reached consensus on variable names and definitions, minimum datasets and quality checks and procedures. iSHARE2 will provide adequate data management support to the Scientific Programme or to extend iSHARE to all INDEPTH centres.
To increase productivity and strengthen evidence on major health problems, the iSHARE2 Programme 2012-2016 aims to: 1. Work closely with Scientific Programme teams to develop, document, extract, harmonise and quality-assure analytical datasets required from member centres’ operational databases 2. Lead a major expansion in INDEPTH data sharing by making available all micro datasets produced by the Scientific Programme on a publicly accessible, web-hosted INDEPTH repository; this includes sharing the metadata with other data repositories 3. Strengthen and maintain the skills, procedures and infrastructure necessary at Network and centre level to assure quality and responsibly share longitudinal datasets with the scientific and policy communities 4. Support curriculum development and field placem
iSHARE2 is a project funded by the Wellcome Trust to:
- Enhance the research data management capacity of INDEPTH member centres and enable them to develop, document, extract, harmonise and quality-assure analytical datasets from their operational databases.
- Lead a major expansion in INDEPTH data sharing by establishing and maintaining this INDEPTH Network data repository.
- Strengthen and maintain the skills, procedures and infrastructure necessary to assure quality and responsibly share longitudinal datasets of public health importance with the scientific and policy community
- Support the building of data management capacity for the Network by providing course content and placements for students and trainees in research data management.